Scott A. Smolka has made fundamental research contributions in a number of areas, including process algebra, model checking, probabilistic processes, runtime verification, and the modeling and analysis of cardiac cells and neural circuits. He is perhaps best known for the algorithm he and Paris Kanellakis invented for checking bisimulation. Scott’s research in these areas has resulted in over 200 publications, generating more than 9,000 citations. He is a Director and a co-founder of Reactive Systems, Inc. a company selling tools and services for embedded-software testing and validation.
He has also been principal investigator and co-principal investigator on grants totaling more than $23 million, and he is the lead principal investigator of CyberCardia, a $8.75 million National Science Foundation (NSF) multi-institutional grant, Compositional, Approximate, and Quantitative Reasoning for Medical Cyber-Physical Systems. He served as Deputy Director of a $10 million NSF multi-institutional grant on Computational Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems.
In 2016, Scott was recognized as a Fellow of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science for “fundamental contributions in formal modeling and analysis”. He is the recipient of the President and Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities, and the Department of Computer Science’s Research Excellence Award.
The program of the event will include several invited talks by many of Scott’s friends and collaborators. We invite everyone to attend this event and celebrate with us Scott’s birthday. The registration is available here.